Currency conversion calculator
Operar conlleva riesgos

Calculate the value of any given currency against your currency of choice to help you assess trading opportunities for your forex trading strategy.
Why use a Currency conversion calculator?
The nature of currencies is to relentlessly fluctuate in value, which makes it almost impossible to accurately gauge the accurate value of a currency against the value of another. Currency conversion calculators are an efficient and accurate way to understand value, and help you identify opportunities for profit or loss.
Select the currency you want to sell
Select the currency you want to buy or convert to
Then click calculate

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Currency conversion calculator
Currencies are traded in pairs, where one currency is sold or converted to simultaneously buy another currency.
The currency conversion tool calculates the value of one currency against another currency. It is also used in our margin calculator, calculadora de beneficios y pip value calculator, whenever the current rate of exchange between currencies is required.
This is how to use the currency conversion tool
Select the currency you want to sell
Select the currency you want to buy or convert to
Then click calculate
Here is an example how currency conversion works
Select the first currency, EUR
Select the second currency, USD
- The first currency is the base currency and the second currency is the quote or counter currency.
- The base currency is always equal to one unit and exchange rates are expressed as a ratio between two currencies.
- So if the current rate of exchange between the EURUSD is 1.2000. This means that one EUR buys $1.2000.
- Exchanging EUR 1,000 would be the equivalent of 1,000 x 1.2000, which would be equal to $1,200.
- Exchange rates change very frequently. The currency conversion tool will calculate the value between the two currencies based on the current rate of exchange.
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